The leader of Team Megas, Blaziken:

Blaziken is the main protagonist of the entire series and is also the leader of Team Megas. Blaziken is the only Blaziken on earth that has some special powers call the "Legendary Blaziken" and "Spirit Blaziken". Blaziken is also a cheerful and kind Blaziken that loves helping, his wife is Gardevoir.
Blaziken's old time classmate Gardevoir and wife:

Gardevoir is the only female member on the team and also the sub leader. Gardevoir is the secondary protagonist of the series and she is a very sweet woman that has a very kind heart in the insde. Her best friend is Scizor. She is usually a calm and quiet Pokemon unless totally provoked or when she has to do something very important for the people that she cares. Gardevoir was first seen to have a short preview of her hidden powers during the episode "Casino Royale" and later her powers were fully unleased revealed after seeing the life of her best friend killed by the ruthless Abomasnow. Her powers were never seen again until "Rayquaza Saga" and possibly so on.
The reckless but friendly Scizor:

Scizor, one of Gardevoir's best friends and also the most weakest and reckless member in the team. He is a very friendly guy who loves action and friends. On the episode "Scizor's icy love!", Froslass fell in love with Scizor but result in Abomasnow knowing what is going on and forces Froslass to ambush him, resulting in him almost dying but due to Scizor's same feeling torwards Froslass, he dates her and the both of them are happily together while Froslass follows Team Megas along together.
The fierce and funny Garchomp:

Garchomp is the funniest member of the team, he is a strong member that loves battling, acting funny, and such. soon on the episode "Garchomp's true romantic feelings!", Garchomp finally admits his true feelings to Lopunny from Team Charm and went together, and decides to follow team Charm where Garchomp is no longer the member of Team Megas but still does help Team Megas and occasionally appear sometimes. After the events of "Giratina Saga", Garchomp revealed that he wanted to return to the team because he missed the joy of being part of the team. He was accepted back to the team as well as Lopunny whom he brought along to join.
And the smart one Mewtwo:

Mewtwo is the last and most smartest and quietest member in the team, he loves giving advice and battles without any complains, he has a secret crush, that is the Crest Guardian Cresselia. Not much to be known about Mewtwo just yet.


Froslass is the sixth member of the team. On the episode "Scizor's icy love!", Froslass fell in love with Scizor but result in Abomasnow knowing what is going on and forces Froslass to ambush him, resulting in him almost dying but due to Scizor's same feeling torwards Froslass, he dates her and the both of them are happily together while Froslass follows Team Megas along together.

Well that's all, folks!